Contact Us

Please use the contact details below to get in touch with regards to any orders, queries or requirements you may have, or complete the quick contact form.

Tel: 01733 562822 | Email: [email protected]

Our Address

18 The Square, Vicarage Farm Road,
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 5TS

Office Opening Hours 
Monday:  10.00a.m – 2.00p.m
Tuesday:  10.00a.m – 2.00p.m
Wednesday:  10.00a.m – 2.00p.m
Thursday:  10.00a.m – 2.00p.m
Friday:  10.00a.m – 2.00p.m
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed

If trying to contact outside of our opening hours please e:mail or leave a voice message and we will reply as soon as possible.
Messages and e:mails are normally picked up outside of our office opening hours.


Contact Us

10 + 12 =

Tel: 01733 562822

Email: [email protected]